Review of 2018

Chair's Review of the Year

2018 Chair Paul Wright

What did the TRA achieve for our estate in 2018?

We got doors for Edwin House. We were one of only three estates in the whole borough to get funding for new doors over the next two years, and our bid went to the top of the list. This took years of persistent campaigning and speedy submission of a strong bid for funding with the help of our Resident Services Officer.

Wentworth Crescent now has upgraded doors, after we told the council about problems with people breaking in.

The cleaning regimen was improved thanks to our feedback.

Our Residence Services Officer is now presenting a monthly repairs update, with photos so we can make sure repairs are done on time.

We brought the community together for a summer barbecue.

We promoted wellness with keep fit and meditation classes.

We built skills with those who attended sewing classes.

Was it easy? No way!

We survived a year without a treasurer. Other committee members had to take up the slack.

We had to cancel our end of year party. We had the funds but not enough volunteers to run it.

Southwark Council announced they want to build new homes on the estate. This is a contentious issue. The TRA provided a space for people to air robust disagreements and separate fact from rumour. The challenge continues in 2019.

Let's do 2019!

We are in dire need of more volunteers. Most of us in the TRA have full time jobs. Even if you can only come only once or twice a year, we still need you! Come to the AGM. Find out about the many ways to get involved. Share your ideas. You can help lead our community. "Be the change you want to see."


Discussion about management of the proposed new community centre


New Homes: Our Concerns